Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Google's new Indic Translation and why I love it?

It's been ages since I wrote an article on this blog where I happened(?) to be one of the co-authors. (Or one of the co-bloggers. I have really lost the moral authority to say it...) Don't bother to search for the authors on this blog since you wouldn't find it anymore! 

To be honest and precise, I was (in fact am) withheld by laziness to type articles in kannada using baraha and post it on the blog, although I have had tons of anecdotes to share. But not anymore. A colleague of mine forwarded me this link about an amazing application developed by by google labs, that helps you to translate words to most of the indian classical langauges like hindi, kannada, etc. Now's that what I call developing a really kewl app. It makes your life really easy. 

I strongly recommend you guys to give it a try. It is simply amazing!! I seriously loved the accuracy and precision with which it transalted words. Simply superb. Three cheers to Google!!

P.S. I hope to overcome the inertia in me to post article on the other blog in the near future. Do visit it during leisure. Who knows you might discover that I was actually serious about the above statement!!

~IT's My Life

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Harisha - ಹರೀಶ said...

Well, I didn't know that you didn't know about Google Transliteration.. It's there from ages...

ಮನಸ್ವಿ said...
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ಮನಸ್ವಿ said...

Yup its too late info.. anyways.. try to stay in love with it~!

Suresh S Murthy said...

@ Hairsh & Manaswi,

I wasn't aware of it. Anyways I simply love it:)

electronics said...

anyways.. try to stay in love with it~!