Apple ipod nano... I'm loving it

Apple's ipod nano - An absolute sweetheart!
What a gadget! I'm stumped by this flawless piece of techonological brilliance. Thank you apple :) It has deepened my love and passion for music. An Apple Ipod Nano is every music lover's priced possesion!
~IT's My Life
What generation is this?
I was gifted a first generation nano, that I totally love!
How much did you pay for this?
This is the third gen ipod, with video. I paid 7k. But I swear that it is worth every penny! That's apple for you:)
You said it right about iPod. It is brand name that everybody is proud to wear in their sleeves or carry it around in their hands.
I intend to buy this next!
@ Vidya,
You should be able to get this around at 89$ to 99$ in the US.
All the best for the deal:)
Hey Suresh.
I moved my blog to
Check out the blog and keep in touch.
Cheers :)
@ Niveditha,
I have updated the link in my blog roll. Any specific reason why you moved to wordpress?
I have a 1G I-Pod, It's my prized possesion. What's this one's capacity?
And heard about the i-phone costing only 8.5 K? I think that's also paisa vasool.
@ Srinivas,
Mine is a 4gb ipod. Yeah i too feel that iphone is a fair deal.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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