Tuesday, July 25, 2006

On an exciting journey called 'Job Hunt' ... part - II

May 15th, 2006 monday (12:25 PM - 5:00 P.M) : (In and around BIET campus)

Well how anxiously was I looking forward for the list of shortlisted students.Soon after my classes were over, me along with a few of friends 'fled', yeah thats exactly what we did, towards the training & placement cell, to know if we had been shortlisted. I tell u what, I dunno if its a coincidence or sheer mockery of my anxiety, that fate always plays these cheap tricks ...

We didn't have the full list yet and my name was missing in the present list. Just can't tell u how much agonizing my lunch break was that day. I literally had lunched half heartedly bcoz time had begun to test my patience. I was waiting eagerly for the 'mystery' to unfold at the earliest. U know for the first time I had refused to join my friends for a juice treat ( U know its cruelly hot during summer and it just exacerbates in May and u can hardly turn down an offer like that ...)

I finally found my name in the list .. Atlast nearly after those long, agonizing 48+ hrs, I had heard something 'positive'. Thank GOD !!!

With a bit of tailoring and fine tuning, I got a few hard copies of my CV for the interview scheduled on 16th may,2006, at BDT college davangere. By 5:00 P.M. I took leave off my friends and quickly hurried home.

May 15th, 2006, monday through tuesday (6:00 P.M. - 1:20 A.M) : (My room)

It was about 6:00 in the evening when I finally got home. I had a few things in my priority list.. I had to attend them... I have always believed that the very first step towards getting in to any company is to know a lot about it. A lot my friends, I have seen pay little heed towards gathering info about the company. I managed to jot down a few questions I planned to ask in the ppt and also I had a couple of articles about mindtree which I had collected from news papers.( I remember, having failed to pay a visit to TCS website before they visited our campus).So I just literally scanned every link in the site.

After this info gathering process, I just managed to quickly rush through a few of my subjects and that was it. The preps ended by around 1:00 A.M, after a few daunting sleepless nights, I had finally managed to creep in to a nice sound sleep, which I needed badly... very badly ...

May 16th,2006, tuesday (7:00 - 8:45 A.M.) : "THE JUDGEMENT DAY"

Well it was one of the most important days of my life.. so I was a bit extra careful and cautious ... I offered my usual prayers, and got blessings from my parents, I set out on my mission !! I tell u what, this day was subtly indicating to prove auspicious u will soon discover...)

I reached BDT college, davangere by around 7:45 A.M. I could already see those uncanny tense faces around me.. but yet the air around me had surprisingly not lost its serenity. I tell u what, on such very 'important' occasions ur hell bent upon to avert any kind of bad OMEN.. and so was I.. Thnx to my friend who offered me his tie (a lucky one, as it proved to me, u would soon discover it..). Now that gave me, what they often call 'Just the perfect look' ...

The panel from mindtree arrived by round 8:00 A.M., and after a small intro, the ppt began. I must tell u it was really an impressive ppt. There was everything u needed to know about mindtree ... but yet I had a few questions to ask.. myself and a few others poured in a few questions ... After that Q&A session, it seemed to me that the panel was impressed to discover our keen interest in the company.. The first good OMEN, that things were right on track ...

May 16th,2006, tuesday (9:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.) :(In and around GD hall)

There were about 13+ groups made for GD, each grp having nearly 10 students. Fortunately my grp, had members whom I knew pretty well. (I tell u, it really increases the comfort level to a gr8 extent..). So with the assurance that none would make a mess of it, we got in to the GD hall ..

The topic for discussion was, "Which one would u like to join, an Indian company or an MNC ?". Now I tell thats really a (Dharma sankata), an ethical crisis. A situation that was a perfect example of what could well end in a classic paradox. Bcoz, attending the GD of an MNC (with a sure aspiration to get in to it..) and supporting an Indian company ??? sounds self contradictory.. isn't it ??? besides a remote threat of pushing ur fate in to 'jeopardy'... But fortunately, soon came an assurance from the panel, that nothing would work againts us if we sided the Indian companies... We had a very fruitful discussion. Majority of us favoured an MNC, (including me..) while a couple of them favoured the other. The panel had kept its word, since favouring the 'Indian company factor' had not worked against them..

May 16th,2006, tuesday (12:30 P.M.- 2:00 P.M) :(Lunch break and its aftermath ...)

After what u can hardly call a luncheon, I was back. The results of GD were out by 12:30 P.M., 72 had been shortlisted. Well as guessed, 8/10 from our grp had got through... another good OMEN... There were 3 grps made, with 24 students in each grp. I was in the 3rd grp..We all sat in the same ppt room, rushing through whatever u could evasively call a 'BRUSH-UP'. I must admit, it hardly helped me, but u know that ur mind doesn't listen to u, when u see 71 others around u, seriously doing the same stuff ...

May 16th,2006, tuesday (2:00 P.M.- 4:20 P.M) :(In and around ppt hall)

We had all gathered in the ppt room, all anxiously waiting to face unforeseen danger, they popularly call 'Interview'...I could slightly sense the atmosphere 'heating-up' ... Soon the reality began to unfold ... and my myth that "All is going well", proved to be wrong beyond doubt, as many of friends who went to 3rd panel returned. I tell u what, u could easily figure out, that they had confronted with something they often describe interviews as, "It was grilling yaar !!"...The Tech and HR interview were taken by a single panel. I tell you, even the bravest of the brave heart, skips a beat, after listening to a testimonial like that and so did mine..Boy, I also was to be interviewed by the same panel ...

I dunno why for the first time in the day, I felt the chillest of the chills, run down my spine... I began to refigure if my calculations of all that "OMEN" stuff was a mere folly. As they the say, 'A candle burns brighter before it burns-off'. I was in a fix.. Yes! Now I had begun to feel the heat ... A vague chance of losing it all, suddenly seemed to be a possible reality !!!

May 16th,2006, tuesday (4:20 P.M.- 4:35P.M) : (Outside the interview room)

Admist all this, time was taking a toll of my anxiety... I approached the co-ordinators near the interview room and enquired when was my turn.. they just asked me to wait for a while... They sacnned through the list of students ... After a short while, I was finally asked to be seated in a chair outside the room.

May 16th,2006, tuesday (4:35 P.M.- 4:45P.M) : (In the chair outside the interview room)

By this time my heart had begun to pound with the fear of having to face the toughest panel (atleast that was what I was told my friends..) The 5 minutes of waiting, seemed to unsually drag to eternity.. In the meanwhile I managed to take a glance, for one last time before the "Final battle". Boy !!! what I saw, made me still more nervous... they looked at me, asthough to quote with mercy "Poor chap, ek our shaheed !!!", yes, thats what their looks revealed ...

May 16th,2006, tuesday (4:45 P.M.- 5:05 P.M) : (In the interview room)

With all the courage, and with a crack of a smile (I tell u guys, its so hard to maintain composure when u r that nervous), I made my way to the interviewer.. I greeted him "GOOD AFTERNOON". I was asked to take my seat. I felt everything suddenly so silent... I could hear my heartbeat like the sound from a 450W Dolby digital stereo..

The interviewer had a glance or two @ my CV, he curiously enquired about my branch.. Then I realized my mistake, I had nowhere mentioned about it... (I cursed myself, "How could I have missed it???") I relpied "Sir, Electronics and Communication ...". After a few routine questions, the real 'play' began...

Then came my first ever interview question (technical).. I quote it here, "How do u interface two 64k memory chips and 17 I/O devices to an 8085 microprocessor ?" ... he just gave me my CV itself to work on .. I tell u really I didn't revise, the topic "Memory Interfacing in 8085", now here I was with my maiden question on a topic I remotely remembered.. (We had it 4th sem).. (I began to sublty think of that "OMEN" stuff all over again...) I some how tried to get it answered, but I seldom found success... then came an exclaimation from the interviewer "Ok, let's switch gears..." I knew by now, I had made it loud and clear that I was in no way, remotely having any idea of how to slove it...

Then the rest of the interviewer was all about things I could answer with very little effort.. But I tell u that "Interfacing stuff" had an impeccable impression of failure on me .. Soon the interviewer said, "Well we come to the end of this interview, do u have any questions ???" I said to myself "Hey suri, the ball is in ur court man.. ask my boy... ask all that u couldn't ask in the ppt..." I saw this as a golden oppurtunity to make an impression and mask off that failure of "Interfacing stuff".. I enquired about, a few things like, what do they do in their domain "cellular networks", a domain I aspire to work.. I also asked if they had any projects on CDMA, a few questions of blue tooth stuff, etc.. I was answered satisfactorily.. I had a few more to ask but I refrained from doing so, I feared just in case that made the interviewer feel that I was asking questions 'just for the heck of it'... I thanked him for the oppurtunity...

Well the intimidating interview was finally over... I came out of the room.. I could see many eager face ready to pounce on me with their inquisitive questions.. I dunno what I answered, coz my mind was still in the hang over of that lilltle hiccup in the interview,. such was the magnitude of its impact on me !!! I tell u what, fate had once again given indications of swtiching sides.. needless to say, it wasn't my side for sure ...

May 16th,2006, tuesday (5:10 P.M.- 9:35 P.M) : (In and around BDT campus)

By the time the entire process was over we had managed to munch something, with my friend, at a food stall, near BDT college. I was all the time being haunted by the "OMEN" stuff, it never seemed to let go off me..I felt, I was starting to sound very insane.. I dunno ... Finally we returned to the campus at about 9:00 in the night (yes it really had grown dark by then..) I talked to my friend who had just finished his interview, "He said, that it was a cake walk !!!" He happened to have been interviewd by the other panel.. After hearing to that, the little left over courage and hope in me, of succeeding, literally 'dessicated'.

May 16th,2006, tuesday ( 9:35 P.M - 10:05 P.M): (The final verdict)

All the 72 of us were asked to gather in the same room, where the final 'verdict' i.e our fate would be revealed. I still remember how anxious everybody looked. I saw the faces of several of my friends who attended 3rd panel for the interview ... I tell u, those where the most intimidating faces in the room.. The air suddenly seemed to have lost even the slightest of serenity it had, I had talked about, it had in the morning.. every thing was dead calm as a graveyard, asthough a huge tornado would soon sweep us off our feet !!! There was tension surmounting from all sides.. I literally felt the victim of a dreadful scourge ..But the only person who seemed all the more confident and ever smiling, was my friend (vivek). He was trying to reassure me that I would make it.. But I some how was not so convinced.. I remembered of the aftermath of a failure in case I happen to mess it again.. I told u about all the ignominy I had gone through, I assure u beyond doubt that it feels just like, 'Hell' ...

Finally the moment arrived.. yeah we had the panel from mindtree and all the co-ordinators in the room. On of the interviewer asked us just to guess how many had mindtree finally selected.. there were plenty answers, but my mind was not listening to any such stuff.. Finally they began calling out the names of all those who were selected... the waiting continued. Finally I heard my name "Suresh S"

I must admit, never before had my name sounded so pleasant and pleasing to my ears.. The anxiety soon turned in jubiliation.. the first thing I remeber, was my friend hugged me and said, in his typical style "I told u suri ..." After this I hardly listened to anything else.. as my name was still echoing in my ears.. I didn't know when they finished reading the list.. my friend vivek also had got placed, along side 10 others from EC & a total of 25 from our college had made it big that day...

The fate suddenly seemed to have switched sides cluelessly... fortunately it had sided mine this time ...

What nxt?? the interview planel congragulated all those who got selected ... and didn't forget to extend sincere commiserations to those who failed to make it till the end that day..One of the interviewers asked "who's partying 2night ???" All had suddenly changed ... I had survived the 'TORNADO'...The panel bestowed us with the title 'MINDTREE MINDS' yes we had become part of an elite grp ... I loved to hear that !!!

Then I called home to inform my parents about my selection.They were very happy to hear that and congratulated me on my success ... It was the call of a life time friends... I could sense, the upbeat right from their voice, finally they had heard what they had expected out of me..

Mission accomplished !!! (I felt like heralding this victory as loudly as I could, but controlled myself, u know my happiness was at its zenith)

May 16th,2006, tuesday ( 10:05 P.M - dunno when): (jubiliation...)

It was nearly 10+ in the night.. We had thanked the panel for selecting us.. they were really helpful and encouraging.. I decided to spend that night in the hostel with my friends... when we stepped in to the hostel there were celebrations all around... I dunno how much we 'shouted' and cheered... it seemed as though we had conquered something big...

The jubiliation seemed to extend all the way through the night... and how I longed to continue it for ever... I remembered, an old adage, "The fear of losing may take the joy out of winning." I was careful not fall prey of it.

I was on 'cloud No 9' ...

PS: Like they say, "All is well that ends well". My vouyage this time around had been a success. I hope u enjoyed it as much as I did ...

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Anonymous said...

nice one...interesting that you forgot to mention your branch in the CV. i too had done the same but realised it only after attending 3-4 interviews of which one was a success!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.