Friday, August 25, 2006

My final year resolutions!

I am wondering, if I am late on this one. Anywayz, I have a few resolutions for myself, which I feel would keep me going. I feel, resolutions can be made anytime (nothing like you need to look out for a good auspicious day!).

1. Lemme start with my academics, (something, I have taken leave off for quite a while now). I plan to 'earn' myself or in fact snatch an FCD (out of no where), in 7th SEM. I am sure to miss one in 6th SEM (courtesy: VHDL, very high difficult language!).
2. I will not saunter here and there on the corridors of E&C dept. and will land myself in to my friend's room, during the free period (?). Nope! as I said nothing technical, coz its deal!
3. I will respond regularly to all my mails and scraps entries in orkut, without fail.
4. I will stop sending unnecessary fwds to the grps, and stop reading them myself (Let me do it myself before I can force others to follow).
5. I am thinking about this seriously, I have put on a lot of weight. I dunno why, my body, is somehow a strong believer of "Conservation of mass!” Crap! I am not able to lose even a nanogram of weight! I guess it’s hard to defy gravity!
6. I will sit in the last benches during the class, something that I haven't done consistently, ever since I have joined engineering. I just wanna test if that 'residing' in the 'last bench' factor is gonna affect my IA marks and prove deterrent, in any way in my academics!
7. I will try to improve my blogging potentials.
8. I will definitely take a little time off, to play some cricket, after my classes, a part of my weight reduction venture.
9. I will try to visit the reading room(?), atleast once in day. I almost have forgotten it's existence!
10. I will ensure that I would not miss any of Aamir khan's films, someone whose, I am a die hard fan!
11. I will do a lot of reading, something other than those Microcrocontroller, OS, or VLSI stuff. I mean some novels.
12. I will try to convince my college authorities to better call off the internet service(?), coz it's more of a trouble than a service. They are giving a very poor service.The speed is pathetic. (I guess one can have a lunch before, a web page opens!)

Lemme just keep a check on these resolutions. I would be all the more contented, if I am found to have accomplished, even 50% of what I have planned.

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Anonymous said... many resolutions r for what????to become a good blogger!!!! geek.....blink blink...!!!!all the ones mentioned r hobbies for us yaar!!!! they need not be resolutions,which r far a different side than hobbies....the " SO CALLED RESOLUTIONS" OF urs...r the birth right of every student!!!! hee hee....

Anonymous said...

hmmm.... all your resolutions are good . but i am much concerned with your last one.. do promise me that you will make it a fact in future... well lets see boss how many of them will come to life...